Welcome to the first update of the new phase of the SEADS project, with a focus on normalizing good practices for crop related livelihood responses in emergencies.

  • Translate and publish the SEADS handbook as online and hard copy versions in Arabic, Spanish, French and Portuguese by July, with launches scheduled to take place August and September
  • Meet the growing demand from practitioners for training in the use of SEADS by developing the Global SEADS Training Program, which will be designed and tested from January to August; an initial English version of the training program will be followed by new language versions
  • Continue to track feedback from users of the SEADS Handbook and its strengths and weakness — please use this link SEADS Handbook (spherestandards.org) to login and then leave your comment on the handbook
  • Continue to collect and review evidence on the livelihoods, food security and nutritional impacts of crop-related assistance in disasters — please send evaluations, reviews or research reports to the coordinator@seads-standards.org

For further information about any SEADS activity during 2024, please contact Alistair Short at coordinator@seads-standards.org



LEGS-SEADS Joint Assessment Tool Consultant

The tasks of the consultant are to:

  • Participate in a briefing meeting with LEGS and SEADS representatives to discuss the task and agreed timeline.
  • Review the assessment content in the LEGS and SEADS Handbooks, including both the checklists and the guidance on methodology, teams, process etc.
  • Prepare a draft outline/contents page of the Tool for submission to LEGS and SEADS, and revise as appropriate based on feedback from LEGS and SEADS.
  • Prepare a draft of the Tool for submission to LEGS and SEADS for comment.
  • Prepare a working version of the Tool based on this feedback, ready for design and field testing.
  • Work with the selected SEADS Field Team to design and run an in-country simulation event, and attend the event.*
  • Consider any additional feedback on the draft tool provided by the LEGS and SEADS Coordinators (e.g. comments from LEGS Advisory Group and SEADS Steering Group members).
  • Finalise the Tool based on feedback.

*Travel logistics and costs will be provided by CRS, SEADS sub-contractor.

Anticipated start date: 15th March 2024

Duration of assignment: 19 days (12 days preparation and writing; 7 days travel for field testing)

Anticipated output: LEGS-SEADS Joint Assessment Tool (succinct, concise & user friendly)

Reporting to: LEGS Coordinator

Required competencies: Background and at least 15 years’ experience in either livestock or crop emergency response (preferably both); livelihood assessment field experience; excellent writing skills.

Please review the complete Terms of Reference for the LEGS-SEADS Joint Assessment Tool below.

Interested parties should submit their CV and a brief technical proposal (max 1 page) outlining their suggested methodology and timeline, together with a sample of their writing, to the LEGS Finance Manager by 1st March 2024: info@livestock-emergency.net

للحصول على آخر الأخبار

من خلال تقديم هذه الاستمارة، فإنك توافق على تلقي رسائل البريد الإلكتروني التسويقية من:
Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, 150 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA, 02111, http://www.nutrition.tufts.edu.
يمكنك إلغاء موافقتك على تلقي رسائل البريد الإلكتروني في أي وقت باستخدام رابط إلغاء الاشتراك، الموجود في أسفل كل رسالة بريد إلكتروني.

معايير دعم سبل العيش المتعلقة بالمحاصيل في حالات الطوارئ (SEADS)
الشروط والأحكام