Alistair Short

Alistair Short

SEADS Coordinator


Alistair Short is a development and humanitarian worker with more than 30 years of experience in both sectors. He has project and country management, as well as technical consultancy skills on evaluations, applied research, and impact assessment.

Alistair’s focus is on the use of participatory processes, particularly in African contexts, but also in Asia, Latin America, and Europe. He has worked on livestock development and community-based animal health with Vétérinaires Sans Frontières, and on poverty reduction and multi-sector programming with Concern Worldwide.

Most recently, Alistair served as the Food Security and Livelihoods coordinator for WFP and FAO in South Sudan, Sri Lanka, and Ukraine.

Alistair holds a B.A. in Geography from Leeds University and a Master’s degree in Tropical Agricultural Development from Reading University.